* Fields with red asterisks are required for cliams submission. Please complete required fields.
Claimant Ref No.
Vessel Name
Vessel ATD
Vessel ATA
Port of Loading
Country *
Port of Discharge
Country *

Type of Claim *
Were the articles *
Detailed Statement showing how amount claimed is determined: Include number and description of articles, if only a portion of the shipment is lost or damaged, indicate how many pieces in total shipment (i.e. 1 lost out of 10). Clearly describe Nature and Extent of damage. Show Actual cost of goods. Show all discounts, allowances & salvage. Indicate amount claimed.
Description (50 Character Max) * Commodity * Claim $
Is the damaged freight repairable?

If No. Why?
Freight Charges Claimed
Salvage Value

Packaged Weight(lbs/kgs)
Total Claim(s)
Were outer containers damaged?
No. of outer containers damaged
Extent of damage to outer containers
Name of individual notified of Loss / Damage
Carrier Affiliation
City / Branch Office
Date and time of notification
Method of notification
Date Freight Inspected
Remarks (Explain the absence of any pertinent documentation - 250 Character Max)
The following Certification Must be completed by the Claimant
The Foregoing statement of facts is herby certified to as correct
Company *
Person Filing *
Address / P.O. Box *
Telephone No. *
City / State / Zip *
Email *
Date *
Check the appropriate supporting documents. Please note: please attach the supporting documents to this form using the file attachment upload section below. You will also be able to attach the supporting documents to an email after you submit this form. Please scan and e-mail or otherwise attach to the email to prevent processing delays.


Select File(S) To Attach:
[.Txt, .Xls, .Xlsx, .Doc, .Docx, .Pdf, .Gif, .Tif, .Jpg, .Jpeg])